Kurafuji Inc.
- 株式会社クラフジは、人権を尊重し、全ての社員とステークホルダーが安心して働ける環境を築くことを誓います。
- 私たちは多様性を重んじ、性別、年齢、国籍、障がい、信仰、LGBTQ+など、あらゆる違いを尊重します。
- また、公正な雇用慣行を推進し、差別やハラスメントを一切許さず、誠実な対応を心がけます。
- すべての従業員が能力を最大限に発揮できる職場を提供し、共に成長し続ける組織を目指します。
- 株式会社クラフジは、社会に貢献し、公正で持続可能な未来を共に創るため、積極的に取り組みます。
- Kurafuji Inc. pledges to respect human rights and create an environment in which all employees and stakeholders can work with peace of mind.
- We value diversity and respect all differences, including gender, age, nationality, disability, religion, and LGBTQ+.
- We also promote fair employment practices, have a zero-tolerance policy toward discrimination and harassment, and strive to respond with sincerity.
- We aim to provide a workplace where all employees can maximize their abilities and be an organization that continues to grow together.
- Kurafuji Inc. is actively working to contribute to society and create a fair and sustainable future together.
する方へFor those who make their
“My Declaration of Human Rights”
I hereby declare the "My Human Rights Declaration" and swear that I will act according to the declaration.