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Number of “My Declaration of Human Rights” declarer

2024/04/18 現在 As of April 18, 2024
ロジスティード株式会社 Hitachi Transport System,Ltd.
  • ロジスティードグループは経営理念の「広く未来をみつめ、人と自然を大切にし、良質なサービスを通じ、豊かな社会づくりに貢献する」という考えのもと、「国連のビジネスと人権に関する指導原則」、「OECD多国籍企業行動指針」、「国連グローバル・コンパクト」等を踏まえ、2023年4月に人権方針を制定しました。
  • 全ての従業員がこの人権方針を理解し行動するように取り組みます。万一、当社グループの事業活動において直接または間接的に人権侵害が生じた場合は、是正並びに救済に向けて適切な対応を行います。併せて社内通報制度の活用も図ってまいります。
  • ロジスティードグループは人権尊重により大きな社会価値を追求する企業をめざします。
  • Under the corporate philosophy "to deliver high-quality services that will help make the world a better place for people and nature for generations to come", and taking into consideration the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the Based on the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the United Nations Global Compact, the LOGISTEED Group has formulated our human rights policy in April 2023.
  • We will make every effort to ensure that all employees understand and act in accordance with this human rights policy. By some chance, in the event a direct or indirect violation of human rights in the Group’s business activities, we will take appropriate action aimed at correction and relief. At the same time, we will also make use of the internal reporting systems.
  • The LOGISTEED Group aims to be a company that pursues greater social value through respect for human rights.

For those who make their
“My Declaration of Human Rights”


I hereby declare the "My Human Rights Declaration" and swear that I will act according to the declaration.