Kagawa Administrative Scrivener Association
- 香川県行政書士会は、基本的人権を尊重し、すべての人の権利を擁護するとともに、調和と真心をもって国民の生活向上と社会の繁栄進歩に貢献することを使命としています。
- また、「国民の権利利益の実現に資する」という行政書士制度の目的に鑑み、行政書士の社会的役割を強く自覚し、地域に根差した権利擁護の取り組みを通じて、すべての人の権利が尊重される共生社会の実現に寄与します。
- 日本行政書士連合「行政書士の権利擁護に関する基本理念」より
- The Kagawa Gyoseishoshi Lawyer Associations mission is to respect basic human rights, protect the rights of all people, and contribute to the improvement of peoples lives and the prosperity and progress of society with harmony and sincerity.
- In addition, in view of the purpose of the administrative procedures legal specialist system to contribute to the realization of the rights and interests of the people, we are strongly aware of the social role of administrative procedures legal
- specialists and strive to respect the rights of all people through community-based rights protection efforts. contribute to the realization of an inclusive society.
- From the Japan Federation of Gyoseishoshi Lawyer Associations Basic Principles on Protection of Rights of Gyoseishoshi Lawyers
する方へFor those who make their
“My Declaration of Human Rights”
I hereby declare the "My Human Rights Declaration" and swear that I will act according to the declaration.