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Number of “My Declaration of Human Rights” declarer

2024/09/19 現在 As of September 19, 2024
株式会社まちかどメディカル Machikado Medical Inc.
  • 私たちは、すべての人々が尊厳を持って生きる権利を尊重し、誰もが平等に扱われる社会を目指します。人権を守ることが基本的人権としての責任であると認識し、すべての人々の違いを尊重し、多様性を理解し受け入れることに努めます。性別、年齢、国籍、宗教、障がいの有無に関わらず、すべての人々が平等に扱われる社会を推進し、あらゆる差別や偏見を排除し、公正な機会を提供する環境を整えます。すべての人々が安全に生活できる環境を確保し、安心して暮らせる社会を目指します。地域社会や関係機関と連携し、人権を守るための取り組みを強化します。私たちは、この宣言を実践することで、誰もが尊重される社会の実現に向けて努力してまいります。人権を守ることは私たち一人ひとりの責任であり、そのために行動し続けることをここに誓います。
  • We respect the right of all individuals to live with dignity and strive to create a society where everyone is treated equally. Recognizing that protecting human rights is our fundamental responsibility, we commit to respecting the differences of all people, understanding and embracing diversity. We promote a society where everyone, regardless of gender, age, nationality, religion, or disability, is treated equally. We aim to eliminate all forms of discrimination and prejudice, creating an environment that provides fair opportunities for all. We ensure that everyone can live in safety and work towards building a society where everyone can live in peace. We strengthen our efforts to protect human rights by collaborating with local communities and relevant organizations. By implementing this declaration, we are committed to striving for a society where everyone is respected. Protecting human rights is the responsibility of each and every one of us, and we pledge to continue taking actions towards this goal.

For those who make their
“My Declaration of Human Rights”


I hereby declare the "My Human Rights Declaration" and swear that I will act according to the declaration.