株式会社 島津製作所
- 島津グループは、個人の人権の尊重、児童労働や強制労働の排除、人種・性別・言語・国籍・宗教・身体的ハンディキャップ・信条による差別の禁止など、人権や労働に関する国際規範や、労働者の権利や労働時間などに関する各国の法令を遵守します。
- Shimadzu Group shall observe international norms and comply with laws and regulations in respective countries regarding worker rights, working hours, and so on, such as by respecting personal rights, eliminating child or forced labor, and prohibiting discrimination based on race, gender, language, nationality, religion, physical handicaps, or beliefs.
する方へFor those who make their
“My Declaration of Human Rights”
I hereby declare the "My Human Rights Declaration" and swear that I will act according to the declaration.